Spotify back-end clone with most of spotify capabilities
uno multiplayer using React, Nodejs and
sorting visualizer for many popular algorithms
archNoire is a social network written in and SQL database
x86 assembly shooter and platforming game coded from scratch
multi-page website for companies
creative website with parallax effects
my first portfolio
quiz maker
huffman coding visualizer
my second portfolio
LZ78 coding visualizer
rolling website
mongo recreate website
agency website without using any frameworks
I know html, css, javascript, different web frameworks and technologies, and made a lot of websites
back-end development using Nodejs and express, and PHP for a while
working with different types of databases SQL and NOSQL, worked before with SQL server anf mongoDB
good knowledge in object oriented programming and OOP concepts
I know different algorithms and datastructures
I participate in a lot of online competitive programming contests and solve problems periodically on codeforces and hackerrank
my social accounts